Samaj Kalyan Samiti, Patna
Samaj Kalyan Samiti, Patna
samaj kalyan samiti, patna
What is New
Helping Patnaites in Distress
mobile :98354 61558, 85418 83559

Mission & Vision Statement : Dr. Anindita Banerjee

samaj kalyan samiti, patna

Mission Statement:
To uplift and empower the underprivileged sections of society by providing compassionate assistance and comprehensive services in education, healthcare, and basic needs, thereby fostering a harmonious and equitable society.

Vision Statement:
To be a leading non-profit organization committed to transforming lives and creating a socially inclusive society where every individual has access to quality education, healthcare, and essential resources, ensuring their holistic development and overall well-being.

Statement of Purpose:
Samaj Kalyan Samiti, established in December 1967 by the visionary leaders Mr. Lawly Sen, Shri P. K. Sanyal, and Shri P. Mukherji, (whom I would like to address as The Trinity), along with the support of 18 patron members, is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the citizens of Patna in their times of distress. We firmly believe in the power of compassion, empathy, and collective action to bring about positive change in society.
At Samaj Kalyan Samiti, our primary mission is to work relentlessly towards the betterment of society. We strive to create an environment where every individual, regardless of their socio-economic background, can flourish and live a dignified life. Our focus areas encompass education, healthcare, and addressing the basic needs of the underprivileged sections.
In the field of education, we aim to bridge the gap by providing equal opportunities and access to quality education for all. We have established learning centers for vocational training programs to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to break free from the cycle of poverty.
(Our commitment to healthcare is unwavering. We endeavor to ensure that every individual, especially the marginalized and vulnerable, receives proper medical attention and care. We set up healthcare facilities, mobile clinics, and awareness campaigns to promote preventive healthcare and eradicate diseases.)
Recognizing that basic needs form the foundation of a dignified life, we work tirelessly to fulfill the essential requirements of the underprivileged. Through our initiatives, we strive to provide food, shelter, clothing, and other necessary resources to those in need.
Samaj Kalyan Samiti operates solely on the generosity and support of our donors. Their contributions enable us to reach out to the marginalized sections of society and make a meaningful impact in their lives. We value their trust and ensure transparency in utilizing every donation to serve the society effectively.
As we progress on our journey, our vision is to become a beacon of hope and a driving force for positive change. We aspire to be a leading non-profit organization, known for its commitment to transforming lives and creating a socially inclusive society. Through our collective efforts, we envision a future where every individual, irrespective of their background, has equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to the betterment of the nation.
Together, let us work towards building a society where compassion, dignity, and equality prevail, ultimately leading to a brighter future for all.
My sincere and heartfelt thanks to one and all who have been, are and will be with us in our future endeavours.

Ms. Anindita Banerjee
Hony. Secretary,
Samaj Kalyan Samiti, Patna